The Downeast Salmon Federation is delighted to be conserving another 160 acres in
the East Machias watershed. The 68 acres of wetlands and nearly mile and half of river frontage are located between Upper Mud and Pocomoonshine Lakes.

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A Paradise
The wetlands are a paradise for ducks and other waterfowl and will help keep the river
water clean for the native fish that make their homes in it. The property will be open to the
community to hike, hunt, fish, camp and paddle.
For many years the property was a retreat for the Crowe family of Princeton, Maine.
The family generously sold the property to DSF for the enjoyment of the entire
community and to preserve the river, forest and wetlands.
Not only will the Upper Mud Lake Preserve offer a new place for the community to explore,
but it will complete the interconnectivity in a vast stretch of protected lands totaling over
1.5 million acres.